Soursop Tea - Its effectiveness

Soursop Tea - Its effectiveness

Soursop Is widely used around the world. Found in more tropical climates, it usually is more hard to come by in places that have harsh climates in the winter months. The fruit from the soursop tree is a loved fruit also in many of the world. With its unusual shape and texture, it is said to have a sweet taste and is on my "to try list" in the future. For now I will stick to the leaves and the tea made from them. The tea leaves contain Annonacin, Annonamine and Lichexanthone. What do these chemicals do? Check it out below!

Annonacin is a potent chemical found in the fruit, seeds and leaves. This type of plant compound, also known as an acetogenin, has cytotoxic properties and antitumor effects. This is the compound shown in studies to have promising effects on cancer cell death. 

Annonamine is an alkaloid found in the leaves

Lichexanthone has antimycobacterial activity similar to that of drugs used to treat Tuberculous. It also has a strong antibacterial effect towards drug resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Another thing that this chemical has been proven to do is enhance the motility of human sperm, increasing chances of implantation in the female reproductive tract. 

Among all the useful information above, Soursop Leaves have also been proven in a study by the NIH to have the following properties, 

Antiulcer, antidiabetic, antiprotozoal, antidiarrhea, antiviral, antihypertensive, and wound healing on top of the anticancer and antibacterial properties. 

WHAT CANT SOURSOP DO? Seems to be the miracle tree, with so many uses.

Who should not drink soursop? Children (lack of studies), Pregnant or nursing mothers (also lack of studies), Those with Parkinson's or Parkinson's like disorders (Has been shown to aggravate neurological symptoms in those with Parkinson's).

Link for NIH Study:

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